This privacy notice applies to personal information collected by Radius Care through the website.

The purpose of this privacy statement is to let users of Radius Care’s website know when we may collect personal information and what we may do with it. We do not use, share or disclose personal information collected or received through this website except as set out in this statement.

Terms of use
This privacy statement applies to personal information collected through the Radius Care website:

Voluntary disclosure of personal information
You can use without disclosing any personal information.

You may choose to voluntarily provide personal information through this website (e.g. in the feedback form or when subscribing to news and updates). This information may be viewable by site administrators, Radius Care staff (as appropriate) and third-party contractors who may administrate or work on the site.

Electronic alerts and newsletters
When you subscribe to one of our alerts or newsletters, the details you provide may be stored in a secure third-party database (e.g. Mailchimp or ActiveCampaign). You will be asked to provide your name and email address so we can send you future electronic newsletters.

Collection of personal information
Radius Care may ask or require you to provide personal information when you complete an online form (e.g. a contact form or when subscribing to news or updates).

Holding of information
When you provide personal information, unless otherwise indicated, it will be held by Radius Care. It may be stored or accessed on behalf of Radius Care by authorised third parties (such as third-party contractors) to the extent that is necessary (e.g. for them to administrate or work on the site). We will store and keep your personal information secure in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020 and any agents will be subject to Radius Care’s information security and privacy requirements.

Use of personal information
Radius Care will generally only use personal information provided to us for the purpose you provided it (e.g. to administer, evaluate and improve the site, to improve our services, or to market our services and products to you, including contacting you electronically). We may also use personal information provided to us through this website for other reasons permitted under the Privacy Act 2020 (e.g. with your consent, for a directly related purpose, or where the law permits or requires it).

Disclosure of information
Radius Care will generally not share personal information that is provided or collected through this website unless it is necessary to do so for the purpose for which you gave us the information or where you consent (e.g. to investigate a complaint). Radius Care will not otherwise disclose personal information provided or collected through this website unless required or otherwise permitted by law.

Records and retention of personal information
Radius Care will only retain personal information as long as it is required for the purposes for which the information may lawfully be used.

Rights of access and correction of your rights
You have the right to:

  • find out from us whether we hold personal information about you.
  • access that information; and, if applicable
  • request corrections to that information


If Radius Care has a good reason for refusing a request for correction, you are entitled to request that a statement be attached to the information of the correction that was sought but not made.

If you want to check personal information that we hold, please write to:

For more information on the privacy laws in New Zealand and contact details for the Office of the Privacy Commissioner, please visit the Privacy Commissioner’s website.

Collecting statistical information using cookies via Google Analytics
We use analytics tools to analyse our web traffic and improve our content and our users’ experience. The Radius Care website employs Google Search Console (for organic traffic, search impressions and keyword insights), Google Analytics (for reporting on traffic within the site, page performance, user engagement, conversions) and Google Tag Manager (for tracking key events such as form submissions to understand how people use our website).

We may use cookies to gather data about trends in website usage using Google Analytics. This data will be viewable by website administrators and certain other Radius Care staff. It may also be shared with authorised third parties (such as third-party contractors) to the extent that is necessary (e.g. for them to administrate media campaigns). This information is aggregated and it does not identify you personally.

Browser or ‘web’ cookies are small text files that are sent by a website and stored on your computer’s hard drive to collect information about how you browse the website.

Cookies are used to:

  • measure how you use the website so it can be updated and improved based on your needs
  • remember the notifications you’ve seen so that we don’t show them to you again


You can read Google’s privacy statement, and access a Google Analytics opt-out tool, at the Google Safety Centre.

You can manually disable cookies at any time. Check your browser’s ‘Help’ to find out how (disabling cookies will not affect your ability to use this website).

Data collected may include:

  • your IP address
  • the search terms you used
  • the pages you accessed on our Site and the links you clicked on
  • the date and time you visited the site
  • the referring site (if any) from which you clicked to reach this site
  • the device you used to access the site
    your operating system (e.g., Windows XP, Mac OS X)
  • the type of web browser you use (e.g. Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox)
  • your age range, gender and interest categories
  • other things like your screen resolution, the release of your installed Flash version and the language setting of your browser.


Other tracking technologies include:

The following Google Analytics Display Advertising Features may be enabled for this website:

Remarketing with Google Analytics, Google Display Network Impression reporting, Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting, DoubleClick Platform integrations, Google Analytics Audiences.

The following Adwords Features are enabled for this website:

Remarketing, Affinity audiences, Custom affinity audiences, In-market audiences, Similar audiences, Demographic and location targeting.

This means that Radius Care is enabling Google Analytics to collect data about traffic to this site through cookies and anonymous identifiers in addition to data collected through standard Google Analytics implementations.

Radius Care will not share precise location information with Google unless with the prior explicit consent of the user.

Choices you have about Radius Care’s use of cookies and other tracking technologies:

You can choose to enable or disable the use of cookies and other tracking technologies on this website. Cookies that are necessary to the operation of this website and for the provision of the services you have requested will continue to function regardless of whether you have provided consent. Other types of cookies and tracking technologies will be turned off until you provide explicit consent. As a result, the functionality of may be reduced until you choose to provide explicit consent.

Some Internet browsers allow you to limit or disable the use of cookies and other tracking technologies. Please refer to the information provided by your Internet browser for instructions on how to do so (generally found under a “Help” menu).

You can opt-out of any of the Google Analytics Advertising Features by going to which is where users can download the Google Analytics Opt Out Browser Add-On.

You can also opt out by going to Google Ad Settings, which allows users to turn off the amount and type of data you are sharing.

More information about opting out can be obtained from

Intellectual Property
Unless otherwise shown, we own all copyright and other intellectual property rights in the material on this website.  The material on this site is subject to copyright except where it is otherwise noted.  You can use the material for your own personal, non-commercial use provided that you acknowledge the source of the material and that you do not remove any copyright, trademark or other intellectual property notices contained in the content, but you must not use the material in a misleading way.

However, you must not use any of our trademarks in any other way without our permission.

Revisions to this Privacy Notice
Radius Care may revise this privacy notice at any time. Any such revisions take effect when this page is published.

Contact us for more information.


Page last updated: 6 June 2024